Short Bio
Professor Silviu Rogobete (PhD, Brunel, UK) returned to the Department of Political Science, West University of Timisoara (WUT), after serving as Consul General of Romania in South Africa. He is currently the Director of the Doctoral School of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science. In 2019 he was appointed Honorary Professor of Stellenbosch University, South Africa. He teaches courses on Human Rights, Religion and Politics, Globalisation and Human Security, Diplomacy and Global Affairs. Since 2019 Professor Rogobete represents WUT in the Academic board of the European Security and Defense College (ESDC), where he also introduced and currently directs two permanent courses on Diplomatic Skills for CSDP Missions (Basic and advanced).
His recent international research resulted in a series of publications by Springer Nature in the Religion and Human Rights Series.
Selected Publications
Rogobete S.E., Vitelar L. (2020) Religion and Existential Security: An Empirical Study of Religion and Socio-Economic Rights Amongst High-School Learners in Post-Atheist, Post-Totalitarian Romania. In: Ziebertz HG. (eds) International Empirical Studies on Religion and Socioeconomic Human Rights. Religion and Human Rights, vol 5. Springer, Cham.
Breskaya O., Rogobete S. (2020) Religious Freedom in Context: A Comparison Between Belarus and Romania. In: Giordan G., Zrinščak S. (eds) Global Eastern Orthodoxy. Springer, Cham,
Breskaya O., Botvar P.K., Sjöborg A., Rogobete S. (2019) Religion, Trust in Institutions and Attitudes Towards Abortion: A Comparison of Lutheran and Orthodox Countries. In: Ziebertz HG., Zaccaria F. (eds) Euthanasia, Abortion, Death Penalty and Religion – The Right to Life and its Limitations. Religion and Human Rights, vol 4. Springer, Cham,
Rogobete S.E., Reisz R.D. (2018) Religion, Political and Judicial Rights in Post-Communist, Post-Atheist Spaces. An Empirical Analysis among Youth in Romania. In: Sterkens C., Ziebertz HG. (eds) Political and Judicial Rights through the Prism of Religious Belief. Religion and Human Rights, vol 3. Springer, Cham. (link here)
Rogobete, S.E.; Francis, L.J.; McKenna, U. Examining the Connection between Religion and Attitude toward Socio-Economic Human Rights and Attitude toward Euthanasia and Abortion among Romanian Orthodox Adolescents: Contrasting the Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Religiosity. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 10837.