Sergiu Mișcoiu

Professor of International Relations
Director of the Centre for International Cooperation and Director of the Centre for African Studies (Cestaf)

Short Bio

Sergiu MIȘCOIU is Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) where he serves as a Director of the Centre for International Cooperation and as Director of the Centre for African Studies (Cestaf). He holds a PhD in Political Science (Paris-Est University), a PhD in History (Babes-Bolyai University), and a habilitation in Political Science (Paris-Est University). He is permenent member and PhD tutor of the LIPHA Laboratory at the University Paris-Est (France), associate professor of the universities of Créteil (France), Szeged (Hungary), and Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar (Senegal), and has been leading five major international research projects. He wrote four books, edited and co-edited 20 volumes and wrote 120 scientific articles and book chapters in English, French, and Romanian. His main research interests are the constructivist and the alternative theories applied to the nation building processes, to populism and to the political transition and transformation in Central-Eastern European and Central and Western Francophone Africa.

Books on Populism (Author)

  1. Au pouvoir par le « Peuple » ! Le populisme saisi par la théorie du discours, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2012, P. 140
  2. Le Front National et ses répercussions sur l’échiquier politique français 1972-2002, Editura Fundaţiei pentru Studii Europene, Cluj-Napoca , 2005, P. 123


Books (Editor/Co-editor, Co-author)

  1. Democratic Consolidation and Europeanization in Romania: A One-Way Journey or a Return Ticket?, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021, P. 157 (editor)
  2. Intégration et désintégration en Europe Centrale et OrientaleCahiers FARE no. 9Paris, l’Harmattan, 2016, P. 330 (co-editor with Nicolae Paun)
  3.  Contemporary Populism: A Controversial Concept and its Diverse Forms, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2013, P. 380 (co-editor wit Sergiu Gherghina şi Sorina Soare)
  4. Transitions et démocratisation en Roumanie. Illusions, mythes et défis/Transitions and democratisation in Romania. Illusions, Myths and Challenges, Editura Fundatiei pentru Studii Europene 2012, P. 410 (editor)
  5.  Radicalism, Populism, Interventionism. Three Approaches Based on Discourse Theory, Editura Fundatiei pentru Studii Europene, Cluj-Napoca, 2008, P. 130 (co-editor with Oana Craciun şi Nicoleta Colopelnic)
  6. Democratizare și consolidare democratică în Europa Centrală și de Est, Iaşi, Institutul European, 2014, P. 340 (co-editor împreună cu Sergiu Gherghina)
  7. Instituții și comportamament politic în România și noile democrații europene. Perspective comparate Editura Fundaţiei pentru Studii Europene, Cluj-Napoca, 2013, P. 203  (co-editor împreună cu Sergiu Gherghina)

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