Natalia Stercul is a political analyst, doctor of philosophy in political sciences, assistant professor, expert, Department of Eastern Studies: Ukraine and Russia, Foreign Policy Association of the Republic of Moldova. In its didactic practice, Natalia actively cooperates with nongovernmental agencies in Moldova and abroad, promotes development of the younger generation of leaders, by involving them in the international projects and socio-political processes. She was awarded a degree in public relations in the Moldova State University and the Academy of Sciences. Natalia Stercul is an author of a number of research papers and analytical papers.
Selected Publications
1. Stercul N. Strengthening the National Cybersecurity of Moldova. Policy paper. Foreign Policy Association of the Republic of Moldova. December 2021 // brief-strengthening-national-cybersecurity-moldova-natalia-stercul/
2. Stercul N. New challenges and opportunities for resetting Moldova-Ukraine relations after the presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova. Policy brief. Foreign Policy Association of the Republic of Moldova. May 2021 // restabilirea-relatiilor-moldova-ucraina-dupa-alegerile-prezidentiale-din-republica- moldova/
3. Stercul N. Modernization of the Moldova’s security system in the framework of the Eastern Partnership: achievements and problems // Moldoscopie. Publicațiile periodică științifică-practică. Tipul B. 2021, №3.
4. Stercul N. Security Issues of the Republic of Moldova in the Context of Militarization of the Black Sea Region // Black Sea Security Analytical journal. 2020. №1(37).
5. Cтеркул Н. Безпека в Каспiйсько-Черноморскому регiонi пiсля 2014 року: погляд з Молдови // Чорноморська Безпека. Аналiтичний часопис. 2017. №2. (29) – с. 49-54.