Dorin Popescu

Associate Professor, Ph.D.
(Former) Andrei Şaguna University of Constanța

Short Bio

President and Founding Member of the Black Sea House Association Constanta since 2017, former diplomat in the Romanian MFA (diplomatic missions in Moscow / Russian Federation, Chernivtsi / Ukraine and Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hertegovina), ICDE (Initiative for European  Democratic  Culture) member, advisor for International Affairs of the mayor of Constanta, former Associate Professor at Andrei Şaguna University of Constanta, political analyst, doctor of letters / PhD since 2012, author of four books.

Main areas of interest: geopolitical and political studies, local history, foreign policy, cultural studies, history of culture etc.

Professional skills / expertise field: foreign affairs, international relations, public diplomacy, national and international security affairs, geopolitics, emerging security challenges, Wider Black Sea area (the geopolitics of the Black Sea area).

Selected Publications

“Noica. Bătălia continuă” / “Noica. The Battle Continues” (single author), European Idea Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013

“Figuri ale textului anteic” / “Figures of the Antaeus Text” (single author), European Idea Publishing House, Bucharest, 2016

“Răzbunarea barbarilor. 2000 de ani fără Ovidiu la Tomis” / “Revenge of the Barbarians. 2000 years without Ovidiu at Tomis” (co-editor), European Idea Publishing House, Bucharest, 2017

“Captivi la Pontul hibrid. Studii și Eseuri geopolitice” / “Prisoners at the Hybrid Pontus. Geopolitical Studies and Essays” (single author), European Idea Publishing House, Bucharest, 2020

“Eroziuni hibride postmoderne. Eseu geopolitic despre narativele iliberale”, “Tensiunea liberal‐iliberal pe agenda globală. Probleme fundamentale ale lumii contemporane” / „The Liberal-Illiberal Tension on the Global Agenda. Fundamental Problems of the Contemporary World”, PUC, 2019, 32-37 (in Romanian)

“Putin forever”, “Criza. Vocile ICDE în timpul pandemiei” / „Crisis. ICDE Voices during the Pandemic”, eds. Raluca Moldovan, Thomas Tolnai, Valentin Naumescu, Timișoara: Editura Universității de Vest, 2020, 105-109 (in Romanian)

 “Democraţia iliberală rusească şi hărţile ei hibride”, “Criza. Vocile ICDE în timpul pandemiei” / „Crisis. ICDE Voices during the Pandemic”, eds. Raluca Moldovan, Thomas Tolnai, Valentin Naumescu, Timișoara: Editura Universității de Vest, 2020, 109-112 (in Romanian)

“Rusia în expansiune narativă. Istoria se răzbună – geopolitic”, “Criza. Vocile ICDE în timpul pandemiei” / „Crisis. ICDE Voices during the Pandemic”, eds. Raluca Moldovan, Thomas Tolnai, Valentin Naumescu, Timișoara: Editura Universității de Vest, 2020, 123-136 (in Romanian)
