Diana-Nicoleta Petruț is a PhD candidate at the “European Paradigm” Doctoral School of the Faculty of European Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University, and the Executive Assitant of the EUXGLOB Centre of the Faculty. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations and European Studies, as well as a Master’s Degree in International Relations, Foreign Policy and Crisis Management from the same institution. She is interested in Latin America, the European Union and its foreign policy, as well as in the relations between these two regions.
EU-CELAC Relations: A Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership, in The European Union and Global Order, L. Butișcă et. al. (editors), Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2020, pp. 305-321, http://www.editura.ubbcluj.ro/bd/ebooks/pdf/2596.pdf