Dan Claudiu Degeratu

Scientific Researcher, Ph.D.
National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism of the Romanian Academy

Short Bio

Claudiu Degeratu is a researcher at the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism of the Romanian Academy. He has a degree in sociology and a doctorate in international relations and European studies. He worked in different senior management positions in the Romanian Ministry of Defense, including General Director for Defense Policy and Planning, responsible for NATO and EU policies and Head of the Defense Section in the Romanian Permanent Delegation to NATO HQ in Brussels.

Research interests:  international relations, security studies, NATO and EU, security in the Black Sea area.


Tipologia globală a zonelor gri și viitorul parteneriatelor strategice ale SUA. Implicații pentru Romania in Lungu, Eugen (ed.), Puterea si influența Statelor Unite în politica mondială,  București, Editura Militară, 2020.

Federația Rusă și regiunea Mării Negre. Scenarii 2025 in, Lungu, Eugen (ed.). Federația Rusă și echilibrul de putere în secolul al XXI-lea, Bucuresti, Editura Militara, 2019.

Deterrence, Reframing and Complementarity: Toward an Eastern Flank Security Agenda in Naumescu, Valentin (ed.), The New European Union And Its Global Strategy: From Brexit To Pesco, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019,

Policy Paper- Romania and Ukraine Bilateral Agenda. Perspectives for a Roadmap on Security and Defence Sector in Country Report. Romania Project ”The Romanian – Ukrainian Civil Society Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation”, implemented by Experts for Security and Global Affairs Association, Romania and supported by the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, a project of the German Marshall Fund,  2019.

An Energy Security Strategy for Romania: Promoting Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources, in  Gheorghe, Adrian & Muresan, Liviu (eds), Energy Security. International and Local Issues, Theoretical Perspectives, and Critical Energy Infrastructures, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series -C: Environmental Security, Springer Verlag, Dordrecht, 2011.

Civil-Military Relations in Romania: Objectives and Priorities in Ph. Fluri, G. Gustenau, P. Panten (Eds.), The Evolution of Civil-Military Relations in South-East Europe, Physica – Verlag Heidelberg, 2005.

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