Anda Ghilescu

Ph.D. Student

Short Bio

Anda Ghilescu obtained her Master’s Degree on International Relations, Foreign Policy and Crisis Management from Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. She has a keen interest in American foreign policy in the Middle East and has published several articles on the topic, with a particular focus on the United States’ approach towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Domains: International relations, American foreign policy, Middle East, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict


  • The New Transatlantic Relations and the Perspectives of the Global Order. Proceedings of the first edition of the international conference The European Union’s External Relations and Global Order (EUXGLOB), edited by Valentin Naumescu, Raluca Moldovan and Anda Ghilescu, Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2021,
  • ”The United States, Israel and Black Swan Events. A Comparative Study of the Bush and Obama Administrations” in The European Union and Global Order, edited by Luciana Mirela-Butișcă, Diana-Nathalie Ember and Anda Ghilescu, Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2020,
  • ”An Attempt at Diplomacy: How the Pursuit of a Nuclear Deal with Iran Affected the United States-Israel Relations” in Studia Europaea, Cluj-Napoca, December 2018,