Alina Ioana Branda

Associate Professor, Ph.D., habil.

Short Bio

She is currently Associate Professor, giving courses and seminars at the Faculty of European Studies and Faculty of History (Anthropology of Europe, Cultural Policies and Cultural Diplomacy, History of Ethnological Thought), coordinating PhD theses as well. Alina Branda is also expert of the European Commission.  Former assistant lecturer and then lecturer at the same Faculty. Prior to these, she was Postdoctoral Researcher at Utrecht University and Teacher and Research Fellow at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (University College London). She is regularly speaker at various international conferences, organized by anthropological associations (such as EASA, ASA, inASEA, SIEF etc), and has given lectures at SSEES (UCL), University College Utrecht, University of Regensburg, University of Rovaniemi.

Domains of interest: Cultural Studies, Socio-Cultural Anthropology (Anthropology of Europe), Area  Studies

Research topics: History of Cultural/Social Anthropology, Anthropology of Socialism and Postsocialism (Migration, Property Restitution, Developmental Studies, Cultural Archives), Interculturalism/Cultural Pluralism (focus on Romania).

Selected Publications


Romania Occidentalis. Romania Orientalis, main editor Cluj, EFES, Mega, 2009

Teme actuale in cercetarea etnologica si antropologica, main editor, EFES, 2011

Antropologie si studii culturale. Perspective actuale principal/Anthropology and Cultural Studies.Current perspectives, 2012, MEGA


Stiintele sociale si “Stiinta Natiunii”. Cateva consideratii./ Social Sciences and The Science of Nation. A Few Consideratons, Sfera politicii, 2013

Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu si metoda anchetelor etnologice indirecte./ Hasdeu and the ethnological non –   directive questionnaire Philologica Jassensia, Anul IX, 2 (18), 2013

Abortion Policy and Social Suffering: the objectification of Romanian women’s bodies under communism (1966–1989), authors Andreea Andrei, Alina Branda

Anthropological Perspectives on Romanian Socialism. A Case Study