Cătălin-Gabriel Done
Short Bio
Cătălin-Gabriel Done is a PhD Candidate at the University of Naples “Federico II” – Department of Political Science
In his academic career, Cătălin-Gabriel obtained a BA Degree in International Relations and European Integration and a Master’s Degree in Political Science at SNSPA, Bucharest. He has worked with several national and international bodies, Including IOM and Europe Elects. Currently, he is the vice-president and researcher at ESGA Romania, where he deals with the EU’s relationship with the Eastern Partnership, especially with the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, and the perspective of the transnational Orthodox Church’s thought, practice and geopolitics.
Selected Publications
- https://www.europenowjournal.org/2020/08/02/confronting-nationalisms-romania-and-the-autonomy-ofthe-
romanian-hungarians/ – 2020
Done, Cătălin-Gabriel. 2020. ”Confronting Nationalism: Romania and the Authonomy of the Romanian-Hungarians”. Europe Now, 35.
- https://gmr.mapn.ro/app/webroot/fileslib/upload/files/conferinta 2020/proceedings/GMR_CONF_2020.pdf – 2020
Done, Cătălin-Gabriel. 2020. ”Sistemul de securitate arctic – Mizele luptei pentru putere”. In Gândirea Militară Românească (4), 226-237. București: Statul Major al Apărării.
- https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-68586-7_9 – 2021
Ion, Oana-Andreea, and Cătălin-Gabriel Done. 2021. ”Romania’s capacity to plan and implement a Sustainable Development Strategy”. In Limits in the Europeanization of Environmental Policies in New EU Member States. Understanding the EU’s Capacity-Building În Environmental Policies, ed. Todor Arpad and Florența-Elena Helepciuc, 127–44. Springer.
- https://ibn.idsi.md/sites/default/files/imag_file/32-36_35.pdf – 2021
Done, Cătălin-Gabriel. 2021. ”Усиление потенциала государственного управления Европейского Союза в контексте управления кризисами”. In Materiale ale Conferinței Științifice Internaționale ,,Contribuția tinerilor cercetători la dezvoltarea administrației publice’’, 32-36. Chișinău: Print-Caro.
- https://gmr.mapn.ro/app/webroot/fileslib/upload/files/arhiva GMR/2021 gmr/4 proceedings 2021/pdf – 2021
Done, Cătălin-Gabriel. 2021. ”Consolidarea și dezvoltarea capacității de analiză a informațiilor și
transformarea paradigmei de securitate a României în contextul provocărilor asimetrice din regiunea Mării Negre”. In Gândirea Militară Românească (4), 34-53. București: Statul Major al Apărării.