Category: Announcement


Call For Papers – Fifth International EUXGLOB Conference

THE EU AND NATO WORKING TOGETHER: Fighting the war on disinformation in Central and Eastern Europe

Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, May 15- 16, 2025 (hybrid format)


The Centre for the Study of the EU’s External Relations and the Global Order (EUXGLOB) of the Faculty of European Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj, and the think-tank Initiative for European Democratic Culture (ICDE) are pleased to announce the call for papers for the fifth edition of our annual international conference. This year’s topic will focus on disinformation in Central and Eastern Europe.

The stability and security of Central and Eastern Europe are being gravely endangered by disinformation. Recent events have demonstrated how well-planned campaigns can destabilize democratic institutions and damage transatlantic collaboration. To address this crisis, the European Union and The North Atlantic Treaty Organization must work together, utilizing the Union’s legislative frameworks and NATO’s strategic communication experience. It is essential to address topics such as media literacy, trust in democratic processes, the bolstering of cybersecurity in forums where practical remedies against disinformation can be presented to the wider public, therefore in the Fifth EUXGLOB International Conference, the authors are encourage to share their expertise on the examination of policy responses, technological innovation, and multilateral cooperation.

By completing the following form (, scholars, practitioners, and researchers are invited to submit paper proposals by April 15, 2024. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out approximately ten days following submission.

The main conference topics include, but are not limited, to:

EU-NATO Cooperation: Policy responses to disinformation in Central and Eastern Europe

Legal and Policy Frameworks: EU and NATO regulatory responses to disinformation

Information Warfare: Challenges and opportunities for regional security

Disinformation Ecosystems: Actors, tools, and narratives

Media Literacy and Civil Society: Strengthening resilience against disinformation

Cybersecurity and Information Integrity: Institutional cooperation frameworks

Tech and AI in Countering Disinformation: Innovations and future trends

The EU, NATO and the European security order.

The conference will be organised in a hybrid format, with no participation fee required. The working language of the conference is English. Meals and coffee breaks will be provided during the two days of the event. Upon request, the organisers can make reservations at the Universitas Hotel (the accommodation cost is not covered).

Papers presented during the conference will be considered for publication in a peer-reviewed collective volume. More details about previous conference proceedings and past EUXGLOB events can be found at

We look forward to receiving your paper proposals and welcoming you to the fifth edition of the EUXGLOB International Conference in May 2025. For further queries, please contact us at


Programme – Fourth International EUXGLOB Conference

THE EU AFTER THE EUROPEAN ELECTIONS: Priorities, Challenges, Relations with the World

Cluj Napoca, December 5-6, 2024 (hybrid format)

The Conference Programme:  


Call For Papers – Fourth International EUXGLOB Conference

THE EU AFTER THE EUROPEAN ELECTIONS: Priorities, Challenges, Relations with the World

Cluj Napoca, December 5-6, 2024 (hybrid format)


            2024 is a crucial political and electoral year, with significant consequences. The Centre for the Study of the EU’s External Relations and the Global Order (EUXGLOB) of the Faculty of European Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj Napoca, in partnership with the Representation of the European Commission (REC) in Romania and the think tank Initiative for European Democratic Culture (ICDE) are delighted to announce the call for papers for the fourth edition of our annual international conference, dedicated to the post-elections prospects of the EU.

            Building on an already established academic tradition, this edition aims to bring together academics, scholars, policymakers, students and an interested public to discuss salient issues regarding the priorities, challenges and relations of the EU with the world. We invite you to submit your paper proposals by filling in the form available at by November 1, 2024. Acceptance notifications will be sent by email approximately 10 days after the submission.

            The main conference topics include, but are not limited, to:

  • The results of the European elections, the groups and coalitions in the European Parliament, the negotiations for the new leadership of the EU
  • Post-election changes in the EU (politics and policies)
  • Debates on institutional or Treaty reforms of the EU
  • The EU support for Ukraine in the war against the invading Russia
  • The EU’s relations with the USA, China, the Global South and the Middle East
  • The EU and the Eastern Neighbourhood (Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus)
  • The EU, NATO and the European security order.

The conference will be organised in a hybrid format, with no participation fee required. The working language of the conference is English.

Meals and coffee breaks will be provided during the two days of the event. Upon request, the organisers can make reservations at the Universitas Hotel (the accommodation cost is not covered).

The papers presented during the conference will be considered for publication in a peer-reviewed collective volume. More details about the previous conference proceedings volumes, as well as about the past events of the EUXGLOB Centre can be found at

            We are very much looking forward to receiving your paper proposals and to welcoming you to the fourth edition of the EUXGLOB international conference in December 2024. For any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at


Școala de vară a Asociației Inițiativa pentru Cultură Democratică Europeană – ediția a treia

În perioada 11-14 iulie 2024, think tankul Inițiativa pentru Cultură Democratică Europeană (ICDE), împreună cu Facultatea de Studii Europene și Centrul pentru studiul relațiilor externe ale UE și ordinii globale (EUXGLOB) din cadrul Universității Babeș-Bolyai, organizează cea de-a treia ediție a școlii de vară anuale, cu tema „La jumătatea anului electoral 2024: concluzii de etapă, tendințe și perspective.” Evenimentul va avea loc la Facultatea de Studii Europene a UBB.


EUXGLOB III International Conference – Perspectives of the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood

The Conference Programme:

In order to follow the event online, the interested public should fill in the following form:

Registration Form


Call for papers – Third International EUXGLOB Conference

Perspectives of the European Union’s Eastern Neighbourhood

Cluj Napoca, November 9-10, 2023 (hybrid format)

UPDATED SUBMISSION DEADLINE: To all those interested in submitting a paper proposal for the third edition of the Euxglob international Conference, please note that the deadline for sending us your abstracts has been extended until September 15, 2023.

The EUXGLOB Centre of the Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj Napoca, is delighted to announce the call for papers for the third edition of our annual international conference whose main topic will focus on the perspectives of the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood in the context of Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine and, ultimately, against the West.

         Building on an already established academic tradition, the conference aims to bring together academics, scholars, students and an interested public to discuss salient issues affecting the regional security environment and, in a broader sense, the current world order. Therefore, we would like to invite you to submit your paper proposals via email at by filling in the form available at by September 15, 2023. 


         The main conference panels include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • The pathway to EU accession for Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova
  • Security implications and solutions for the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood
  • Energy strategies and policies in the Black Sea and Eastern Neighbourhood regions
  • Approaches to the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine

The conference will be organised in a hybrid format, with no participation fee required. A debate café (roundtable) entitled “Multilateralism and Global Actors’ Geopolitical Approaches in the Black Sea Region” will also be included as a side event in the conference programme. The papers presented during the conference will be considered for publication in a peer-reviewed collective volume. More details about the previous conference proceedings volumes, as well as about the past events of the EUXGLOB Centre can be found at

         We are very much looking forward to receiving your paper proposals and to welcoming you to the third edition of the EUXGLOB international conference in November 2023. For any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Europe after the War in Ukraine: Perspectives, Visions, Strategies, Projects. New EUXGLOB Workshop in Cluj

On 9 and 10 December, EUXGLOB in cooperation with The Faculty of European Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj and the think-tank Initiative for European Democratic Culture (ICDE) organizez o new Workshop, titled Europe after the War in Ukraine: Perspectives, Visions, Strategies, Projects. This event will be in Romanian and will be hosted by the Faculty of European Studies. Follow our website for updates on speakers and the schedule for the event.


Conference Invitation: The ”New Great Depression”. Faces, Courses and Ramifications of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has markedly change the world not only in the healthcare dimension but also in the political, economic and social spheres. Spatial extent, the number of infected and deceased people, duration as well as the long-term effects elicited by the pandemic comparable to the Great Depression in the years 1929-1933 justify talking about the pandemic as a macrosystemic event.

The University of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski and its Partners in order to meet the research needs concerning the multiplanar analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic phenomenon, wish to kindly invite all interested academics, analysts, experts particularly in the fields of medicine, sociology, economics, political science, security science to attend the interdisciplinary International Academic Conference New „Great Depression”. Faces, Course and Ramifications of the COVID– 19 Pandemic.

To read all about this event, please visit: