The EUXGLOB Centre Mission

The Centre for the Study of the European Union’s External Relations and Global Order (EUXGLOB Centre) works within the framework of the Faculty of European Studies. Its main objective is to manage the organisation of the EUXGLOB annual international conference. Its specific tasks include:

  • Formulating the topic, concept and format of the EUXGLOB conferences
  • Proposing the dates for each EUXGLOB edition
  • Deciding on the keynote speakers
  •  Sending invitations to the envisaged participants
  • Obtaining the necessary financing for organising the conference
  • Drafting the conference programme
  • Coordinating specific aspects of the organisational process (logistics, IT, accommodation, meals etc.)
  • Promoting the conference
  • Carrying out additional scientific research in international relations on topics connected to the EUXGLOB conference format
  • Identifying thematically-related national and international partners and participating in similar networks
  • Editing the volume containing the conference proceedings of each EUXGLOB edition
  • A larger organisational committee will be formed in the period preceding the date of the EUXGLOB conference, including PhD students, students, volunteers etc.